
Session 3 Notes

The group were new in Emberwood Village, but had a decent lay of the land thanks to a thorough, but grim tour given by Aliscent Crowe, the Blacksmith’s daughter. The group first set off to visit Aldor the Immense, a very fat human male and owner of one of the most lavish caravans in town.…

Session 3 Preamble

All basic items allowed within 5Th edition Core Rules can be found in Emberwood Village. The various merchants and people have most things one way or another. But keep in mind that Emberwood is the literal last bastion of civilization out there near Drakkenheim. Things like crops and basic goods are NOT FREELY AVAILABLE. As…

Session 2

The group was awoken by the screams of Edra, who was enwrapped in a tentacle that now grew out of Roderick’s arm. “Oh god, Ludwig! He turned!” she screamed as the tentacles constricted around her body. Roderick, with a sickening chorus of snapping bones and tearing flesh, split into two copies, and began to battle…

Session 1 Summary

The group had accepted Eren Marlow’s offer: 25 gold per person for safe delivery to Emberwood village, which is a sort of Boom-town and the last outpost of civilization outside the ruined city of Drakkenheim. The group provided security and help along the journey, helping Marlow many times with positioning her wagon in a defensible…

RotF — Session 15

Heading to the Keep We try to show the guards of the speaker that we are trying to help heal him. The guards are turn us away but is stop by one of the guards. Eugene is the one they are looking for. We are allowed entry to see Kadroth Kadroth (Tiefling) is wearing an…

RotF — Quests

Active: Trovus says there are gnolls on the outside of town living in the chasm at the Spine of the World, South East of town 10 G / Gnoll head Kill Xardorok Sunblight leader of the Duergar Completed: Took care of the Duergar that were stealing things from Caer-Konig Showed the the Duergar head to…

RotF — Session 14

We decide to head further into the dungeon We chopped of the head Duergar (Neldar) for proof As we walk in there are confronted by Skeletons being controlled by myconids. (roll initiative) The ceils have rusted shackles and nothing at all Eisen looks out the bars but nothing is coming Brundt used his boomerang to…

RotF — Session 13

Start Session We have found ourselves at a Duergar Fortress Osmund used invisibility to try to scout out the fortress, but his footprints were spotted in the snow. He tried using his grey bag of tricks as a distraction. Osmund (rolled a 2) pulled out a giant rat. The Duergar guard immediately took a shot…

RotF — Session 3

Our DM wrote a song about our escapades of the previous session. It is a wonderfully excellent portrayal of the events.

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